
Social Crises

Womens Rights

Social Crises

Sexual harassment, domestic violence, and suicide are three contemporary social crises impacting Iranians. These social issues reveal structural and systemic violence in Iranian laws, policies, and society. Slice and dice the data to learn about these social crises in 2022.

Sexual Harassment in 2022

Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted comment, gesture, or action that is sexual in nature that makes someone feel afraid, embarrassed, uncomfortable, or ashamed. When sexual harassment progresses to unwanted touching of sexual body parts, this is considered sexual assault. Sexual harassment is a violation of women’s human rights and a prohibited form of violence against women. Sexual harassment, whether verbal or physical, causes devastating physical and psychological injuries. When harassment directed against women takes place in public environments, such as the workplace or in the streets, it also interferes with the integration of women in the workforce and public sphere, reinforces the subordination of women to men in society, and violates women’s inherent dignity. Iran Open Data’s poll reveals that 96% of women respondents experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime.

Domestic Violence in 2022

Domestic violence is defined as any behavior which leads to physical, psychological or sexual harm within an intimate relationship. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound someone. Domestic violence encompasses intimate partner violence as well as violence by any member of the family against another (for example by a parent against their child). Iran is one of few countries that does not have specific domestic violence laws, despite over 18 years of campaigns by Iranian feminists. Discriminatory and oppressive laws, policies, and social norms contribute to a culture of male domination over women. This has led to a prevalence of both spousal violence and child abuse. In a 2004 national study, 66 percent of married women polled had experienced domestic violence at least once in their lives. In the 2022 poll conducted by Iran Open Data, which is showcased in the current visualizations, over 81% of respondents experienced domestic violence by a male relative.

Attempted Suicide in Iran in 2022

Suicide is defined as death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. Attempted suicide is when someone harms themselves with an intent to end their life, but they do not die as a result of their actions. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), suicide is a global public health problem. Understanding suicide epidemiology provides insights into the psychological health and wellbeing of a society. Experiences such as conflict, disaster, violence, abuse, loss, or isolation are strongly associated with suicidal behaviour. Moreover, suicide rates are especially high among vulnerable groups who experience discrimination, such as refugees and migrants, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ+ persons, and prisoners. In Iran, studies have shown a steady increase in the rate of suicide mortality in the country, with an estimated average rate of 9.9 per 100,000 persons per year. Suicide is especially prevalent among youth. Iran Open Data’s poll data reveal that 45% of respondents who attempted suicide were under 30 years old.

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Iran Open Data (IOD) was founded in 2016 to make Iran’s official data accessible, available, and re-usable. IOD collects and processes raw datasets for researchers and experts, while also publishing exclusive data-driven articles and digital stories for the general public. Additionally, IOD conducts public data calls and surveys on often neglected or taboo issues that are rarely addressed by the Iranian government. 

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